
Yoga, Sushi in Nairobi

Today I went to yoga with Ed and Sarah from KickStart. I am not a big yoga fan. For me, it's more for the experience of seeing how yoga class in Nairobi looks like. But I guess it's a wrong thing to start thinking with – just like those who have never been to China would assume China is a backward Communist bad land. The truth is yoga classes in Nairobi could be the same as those in Shanghai, or Palo Alto, or any other places in developed economy. Nothing special except that the people working out in the gym are 100% expats.

There is one more thing special about the coach though – he is so militant. It was an Indian coach. At times, he would make us maintain a hard posture for 5 minutes! It was unbearable! It's been a year since I did my last yoga class in Shanghai and I am so stiff and out of shape now. I just couldn't do some of the postures, especially those using muscles on belly or lower back. But he would come up to me and stretch my legs and hold them for quite a bit. I am sure I will have a sore body tomorrow.

After yoga, we went to dinner at a sushi restaurant. Again, people in the restaurant were almost all expats, i.e. non-local African people. I had a hot Miso Udon. Yummy!

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